Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste

Republic Services provides garbage, recycling and yard waste collection through a contract with the City. 
The City of Tonka Bay contracts as an entire City with Republic Services for garbage and recycling services. Everyone is billed equally for this every quarter, regardless of if they live in the home or not.

Each household is limited to two carts of garbage per week. Additional garbage containers will be charged a fee directly by Republic Services. Republic Services also has an extra item pick up charge for miscellaneous items such as appliances, chairs, mattresses, etc. Please call (952) 941-5174 to schedule an extra pickup.

Recycling is picked up every other Monday. 

Yard Waste
Yard waste on Mondays starting on a designated date in the spring through late November, or the first significant snowfall, whichever is first. Yard waste should be at the curb by 7 AM on Monday mornings.
Yard waste (leaves and/or grass clippings only) should be placed at the curb, bagged in biodegradable paper bags or in Republic yard waste cart and separated from your refuse by at least two feet so that there are two distinct piles - one for garbage and one for yard waste.    
Brush and limbs must be cut into 4-foot lengths and no larger than 4-inches in diameter. They should be bundled with rope or twine and the bundle should not exceed 40 pounds. Yard waste collection provides an excellent opportunity for the community to conserve diminishing landfill space.

**The contractor observes the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of the above holidays falls on Monday, pick up will be on Tuesday of that week.

Garbage Rates
Garbage rates are billed quarterly with the water and sewer bill.  
Rates are divided into three categories with quarterly rates:

If not participating in recycling 


If participating in recycling                       


Senior Citizen participating in recycling




Residents who recycle are charged a lower garbage rate than those who do not recycle. 

All residents are charged a $50.37 fee for recycling.
Seniors 65 years of age or older are limited to one 64-gallon cart.
Persons interested in taking advantage of the senior rate should contact City Hall to specify that you meet the senior citizen requirement.