Homestead Information

Homestead Application Process

August 30, 2021


If you wish to apply for homestead, you may use either of two application processes.   The first listed below is the preferred process.


  1. Apply online at  For online application, you will need to attach a scanned copy of your Certificate of Real Estate Value and a copy of your proof of ownership.  Proof of ownership is usually a Warranty Deed, Limited Warranty Deed or a Contract for Deed.

OR (Use either process, not both)


  1. Print a copy of the application at the above site and mail it along with a copy of your proof of ownership and Certificate of Real Estate Value to:

Hennepin County Assessor

300 S 6th Street, A2103

Minneapolis, MN 55487


Please Note:  You may no longer apply for homestead at City Hall.  The only two methods of application are listed above.  Hennepin County has implemented this limited application process for security reasons.


If you bring a homestead application to City Hall, the staff cannot accept the application.  You will be given an addressed envelope for you to mail your application directly to the Hennepin County Assessor’s Office.


Please contact Rolf Erickson if you have questions on this matter:

Rolf Erickson
City Assessor
Ph: (763) 473-3978

Hennepin County Homestead Information (Please see the link for homestead information)